Welcome to House of Knapp's 

As I sit here in my PJ’s at 1:30 PM on a Friday, no energy and every dish in my house seeming to be dirty, I thought “today would be a good day to start my blog.” Do not ask me why the urge hit today; maybe its pure procrastination in hopes my partner will just do the dishes when he gets home, but whatever it is here we are. I have hmm’d and haww’d over a blog for quite some time now, but with each Instagram post resulting in more questions through DMs lately, I thought it would be great to have a space to share everything in detail and in one place. Welcome to House of Knapp’s. Check out “a little about me” to get to know me as a person, I swear I do not always sit in my PJ’s all day. I have big dreams for this space, and look forward to sharing and growing with all of you