What do you use to edit photos?
I use Adobe Lightroom - It is a free app you can get on your phone. I also use different presets, as well as do some of my own edits since I shoot most of my content on my iPhone 11 Pro.


Are you going to have more children?
To be honest, probably not. Prior to having Walker, we were in a head-space that we would never have children. Walker is our miracle baby, and I do not think I can put myself through the trying phase of life again while still being a good mom and partner. If it were to happen we would totally roll with it, but more children are not in our “plan” so to speak.


Why did you become an influencer?
I get asked this a lot. It was really not on purpose and just kind of happened. I still do not see myself as an influencer when it comes to social media but I suppose in a sense I am. I enjoy connecting with people and sharing my love of products and motherhood; hoping it lets someone who may be feeling alone right now know that they are never alone.



Where do you live?
I am from a small town in Ontario, Canada. We recently bought my grandparents home and are enjoying country living.


Are the recipes you post your own?
A lot of the time, recipes that I post are variations of recipes I have taken from my mother’s recipe book. If a recipe is something I have found online, I credit the source and will note the changes I have made, as a lot of the time we are doing dairy-free recipes due to my son’s allergy.


Do you work?
Oh, the million dollar question. I am asked this via DM at least 4 times a month. I am a RECE, and have a Diploma in Office Administration. I am currently on an extended maternity leave while working as a supply in various roles and schools within our local public school board. What the future holds is an unknown right now, and we’re just doing what we consider best for out family. So, short answer, no I am not working right now (due to COVID-19), but yes I do have a job.